My three awe-inspiring roommates and I decided to give our house a name this year. As humans, it is in our nature to give things names. Perhaps because it was in God's nature to name names. This can be seen through creation (when God gives names for the works of His hands - Genesis 1) and in Jesus (when He calls people out by name - Luke 19:5)
Form the beginning, God liked to name things. In Genesis 1:5 "God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night." Then again in verse 10 "God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas." When God came to earth through Jesus, His fondness for names is reflected when Jesus calls out Zacchaeus by name to come down from the tree (Luke 19:5)
In today's society, common things that are given names include; schools, businesses, essays, blog titles, news articles, books, pets, social media titles, streets, products, styles, movies, campaigns, political parties, sports teams, job titles... pretty much anything. Often times we name things for organizational purposes, but on a deeper level, I think that the root of naming is derived from our desire to give value and significance to whatever is being named. Just like God gave value to creation when he named the "Earth" and "Sea." Just like Jesus made Zacchaeus feel valued when he called Him by name.
So...Julia, Latane, Corinne (it seemed fitting to use their names;) and I realized that we could bring life to our mission as a house, by giving it a name. A name that represents what we represent. A name that stands for what we stand for. A name that is symbolic of our likeminded desire and harmonious pursuit to know and love our Lord Jesus Christ more and more each day. And so we called it "The Flock. "
"Fear not little flock for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom." Luke 12:32
Our Father is our Shepherd. He will never lead His sheep astray.
Just as the scripture says, "Fear not little flock..." We will trust.
Just as the scripture says,"your Father..." We will be obedient children.
Just as the scripture says, "good pleasure to give..." We will receive with joyful thanksgiving
Just as the scripture says. "the Kingdom..." We will seek it and live in light of it.
In our house we want to be like sheep dwelling in the pasture of God's grace.
John 10:27-28 says, "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand."
It is our prayer and passion to know the Lord and to follow Him. I believe that the more we know Him and are willing to follow Him, the more we can hear His still small voice calling to us... by name.
We want our house to be a place where anyone can come and immediately feel like they are part of the flock. Not our flock, but our Father's flock of beloved children.
Last wednesday we hosted a worship night at The Flock for anyone to come and sing praise our Father. We want this to be a time where people can leave their labels of Christian affiliations behind, and as one flock, flock to praise Him in worship.
We invite YOU to come and worship with us at The Flock again this Wednesday at 7:45 p.m.
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